Free Download , by Katie Ruggle

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, by Katie Ruggle

, by Katie Ruggle

, by Katie Ruggle

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, by Katie Ruggle

Product details

File Size: 1324 KB

Print Length: 418 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1492643041

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (June 6, 2017)

Publication Date: June 6, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#192 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This story was lacking cohesion and flow. First it went back and forth providing limited historical context but even in the history, there were holes.You never knew why Jules had to take her siblings and no one in town questioned why there were no parents. Further dialogue hinted at the reasons for the escape but it made the story seem choppy. Dee, Ti, Tio & Sam we’re solid characters, despite the lack of clear, historical context.Theo’s and Viggy’s characters were better defined than Jules’, but they (and the siblings) couldn’t hold the story together, since Jules is the protagonist.This is also a cliffhanger, but I won’t continue with the series. Just not that good.

Theo, a member of the K9 unit, is waiting for his co-workers, Hugh and Otto, to arrive. He knows they're continuing to keep an eye on him as they have for the past two months since he lost his mentor, Don, especially since it hasn't been that long since he lost Goose, his K9 partner. Theo knows he hasn't been the same since, and is in fact struggling to bond with Viggy, his new K9, and the one Don had before his death. Theo knows Viggy is in mourning as well. Today, however, his attention keeps returning to the beautiful new waitress, and as he's found himself watching her a few times, he's become aware that he seems to make her nervous. Theo surmises it must be his uniform, but why?Jules, a CPA, lost her license and all her clients when her client was investigated. Though Jules was, of course, innocent, her refusal to turn over information on his finances, due to client confidentiality, has left her unemployed and in dire need of an income. When her last possibility is denied, it all feels hopeless. She needs to find a way to get her younger siblings away from a dangerous situation, a fact made even more so evident after hearing her sixteen-year-old brother begging to live with her the next before. When the person she thought was refusing to help, instead offers a different kind and what she needs to make it happen, a choice she would've never considered if her siblings' (Sam, Tio, Ty, and Dee) situation wasn't so dire, and trying legally for years has always failed...she knows she's going to do it.When Theo visits the diner again, he may have, okay, he did, essentially interrogate Jules. Jules is shaking by the time Theo is done, yet she's trying to hide it and makes an escape ad quickly as she can. Only to be faced with another nosey customer. The only difference is this time Theo steps in to ensure she's okay.It isn't long before Theo's curiosity switches from professional to personal where Jules is concerned. Theo knows nothing can come of it though, fearing he's too broken and damaged to explore anything with Jules, however, he has a feeling they could both use a friend, especially since he knows she's running from something, or someone. Okay, the latter is true, but he yearns to be more than her friend.As Theo and Jules's paths continually cross, sometimes intentional, others not, the attitudes of both subtly change. Theo's losing some of his grumpiness, looking forward to seeing Jules and her siblings and Jules is smiling when she sees him now, imagining what could be. When they decide to explore their feelings, it isn't long before they've fallen for one another and begin to picture what their lives could be like together. However, someone wants Theo to suffer, and they know his weakness is Jules.Can Theo keep Jules safe? Will Theo and Viggy ever bond as a dog and his handler should? Will Jules take a chance on the happiness she could find with Theo? Or will she let it slip through her fingers due to her situation? Will Theo ever know what Jules is running from? Or will he trust in her enough to know if it's something bad, it was with good reason and a last resort? Will Theo ever begin healing from his losses? Will Jules help him feel again? Will they get a HEA?One-click now and follow along with this new series as two people, both struggling, albeit for different reasons, meet and begin a journey toward love. However, as Jules, and her siblings, were given a second chance, so too will others, and one is on her way to Jules now. Her name is Grace and she needs a safe place to start her new life.**I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.**

This book kept my attention, so much so that I was up until after midnight reading it. I loved the chemistry between Jules and Theo. Hot!But I have several questions and I was not impressed with the ending.SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERSJules should have tried harder to fight her attraction to Theo. She's is, after all, a criminal and he is a cop.Theo knows something is up with Jules. He knows she's hiding something and her family is scared. But he's okay with it? They confess to loving each other but this huge secret sits between them. There was no addressing it. Let's just put it in a box and forget about it?The kids were abused by their mother. That shouldn't have been a custody issue. DHS should have been involved. Especially when the bombshell of sexual abuse is dropped out of nowhere. The abuse subplot could have been explored a little more.

Run to Ground is the first book in a new series about K9 officers in Colorado. Jules moves to Colorado with her siblings after escaping from a bad living situation. She finds a job as a waitress and soon meets Theo, a K9 officer who is recovering from losing his partner and best friend. Jules and Theo are drawn to each other amid a suspenseful and dangerous background. I loved the start of this book and the relationship Jules had with her brothers and sister. I also loved the grumpy Theo and his new canine partner, Viggy. What made me subtract stars from this book is the plot holes that were left open. They weren't small ones either. The secret that Jules was hiding was never revealed to Theo and it was one that could make or break a relationship. Also, I felt like not only was her secret not revealed, but it also wasn't' resolved. I also felt like I was missing important background information about each of the main characters and supporting characters. I wish there were about five more chapters that could tie everything up that was missing. I guess I will try the other stories in this series, as they do seem interesting. Ultimately, I was disappointed with the ending of this story and it lowered my opinion of the romance.

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